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  • Immigrationsolicitors4me is a brand name of TMC Solicitors Ltd a private limited company registered in England & Wales – No 10559300 TMC Solicitors Ltd is authorised and regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority – No 636580. Full details are available at Law Society Find my solicitor website, solicitors. lawsociety.org.uk.  Our registered address is 4 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester.
  • Immigrationsolicitors4me is a brand name of TMC Solicitors Ltd a private limited company registered in England & Wales – No 10559300 TMC Solicitors Ltd is authorised and regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority – No 636580. Full details are available at Law Society Find my solicitor website, solicitors. lawsociety.org.uk.  Our registered address is 4 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester.
  • Immigrationsolicitors4me is a brand name of TMC Solicitors Ltd a private limited company registered in England & Wales – No 10559300 TMC Solicitors Ltd is authorised and regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority – No 636580. Full details are available at Law Society Find my solicitor website, solicitors. lawsociety.org.uk.  Our registered address is 4 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester.
  • Immigrationsolicitors4me is a brand name of TMC Solicitors Ltd a private limited company registered in England & Wales – No 10559300 TMC Solicitors Ltd is authorised and regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority – No 636580. Full details are available at Law Society Find my solicitor website, solicitors. lawsociety.org.uk.  Our registered address is 4 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester.
  • Immigrationsolicitors4me is a brand name of TMC Solicitors Ltd a private limited company registered in England & Wales – No 10559300 TMC Solicitors Ltd is authorised and regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority – No 636580. Full details are available at Law Society Find my solicitor website, solicitors. lawsociety.org.uk.  Our registered address is 4 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Last updated 24th May 2018

This privacy policy explains how we collect and use any personal information we collect about you when you use our services and our websites tmcsolicitors.co.uk and immigrationsolicitors4me.co.uk. Some of the information we collect from you may include ‘personal data’ and therefore this includes your name and contact details.

The information that you provide to TMC Solicitors Ltd (whether this is a personal data or information regarding your legal matter in a new, existing or concluded matter) will be held, processed and used by the TMC Solicitors Ltd in-line with the Data Protection Laws, including GDPR coming into effect from 25th May 2018. Our Data Protection Officer is Mr Muazzam Chughtai and he can be contacted on muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk.  

11.1 How your personal information is used.

We respect your privacy and how important that is to you. We therefore always ask for your “consent” to hold and use the personal information that you provide to us on the website or in course of your instructions to our office. Under no circumstances we will sell your personal information to other organization or firm. As part of our obligations to work on your matter, your personal information will be uploaded to our case management system (CMS) and will only be accessed by the trained staff and case workers handling your case with us. It may be required for us to pass your personal information onto third parties, such as insurers, medical specialists, Home Office, Agents such as Barristers and therefore you must be able to provide us consent to do this so that we are able to efficiently work on your case. The following table provides more information on how we use your personal information:


Purpose for processing data

Legal basis for processing data

Third party organizations with whom data is shared

To administer our relationship with you, provide legal services and respond to enquiries.

To meet the requirements of a contract.


To ensure the billing of any acquired services by you and to obtain payment.

To meet the requirements of a contract.

HMRC and tax inspectors, external auditors, internal auditors.

To communicate with you about legal and case law updates, breaking news, newsletters and event invitations which are relevant to your interests and in line with your preferences.

To seek explicit consent prior to sending individuals the information and in line with preferences.


To provide enquirers support by telephone – may include recording conversations for monitoring and quality purposes

To fulfil contractual obligations this includes taking action before entering into a contract.


To process and respond to complaints.

To meet a legal obligation.

Legal Ombudsman and Regulatory body i.e. SRA if necessary

To monitor and record information relating to the use of our services, to include our website.

To meet a legitimate interest in order to improve the services and experience and website for individuals.

Web service providers.

To capture photographs and videos to be used for marketing and promotional material for the firm, including our website, brochures, bids and tenders.

To seek explicit consent prior to collecting and using this information.


To ensure the firms offices and its stored information is secure we use CCTV services.

To meet the requirements of a contract.

CCTV service providers.

To conduct human resource administration to include assessing suitability, eligibility and/or fitness to work. To run Payroll for existing staff

To fulfil contractual obligations this includes taking action before entering into a contract.

Disclosure and Barring Service. HMRC and Accountants for Payroll. 

11.2 How we protect your data

All of the information that we collect about you is for internal and office use only and this is held in accordance with the current GDPR policies. We regularly review our security regarding the data we hold and we make a conscious effort to remove old data from our system. To comply with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Rules, any file that you have with us on conclusion of your case, will be kept in archive or electronic system for minimum of 6 years. Our data is stored on our internal Case Management System (CRM), in hard files and back-ups are kept in the internal and external hard drive at regular intervals, portable devices. We use antivirus and PC security systems to protect your information and data from cyber and malware attacks. However, except as permitted or as required by law, we will not disclose to any third party any information provided by you without your consent. All personal information will be processed in accordance with applicable privacy laws and new GDPR.  

11.3 Information that we collect from you

The information that we collect from you includes your name, home address, email address, telephone and other contact numbers and financial information. We collect this in a number of different ways. For example, you may provide this data to us directly online or over the telephone, or when corresponding with us by letter or in-person. We may come across your physical and mental health details, GP medical and sensitive personal information in course of routinely working and representing your case. We may also come across information of your family members especially in immigration cases. We will need your permission if we need to record any of your sensitive personal data on our systems. Sometimes we may have to voice record the calls for training and monitoring purposes.

11. 4 Data Retention Time

We do not retain your personal data for longer than necessary time to fulfil the purposes we collected it for. This includes for example the purposes of satisfying our legal or regulatory requirements, our accounting and reporting requirements, to carry out legal work, for the establishment or defence of legal claims. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and the applicable legal requirements.

11. 5 The use of IP addresses

At present, we do not use location tracking on our websites.

11. 6 Our use of cookies

At present, we do not use cookies policies on our websites.


11. 7 Right to Be Informed

This privacy notice fulfils our obligation to tell you about the ways in which we use your information as a result of you using this website.

11. 8 Right to Access

You have the right to ask us for a copy of any personal data that we hold about you. This is known as a “Subject Access Request”. You can obtain this information by making a request in writing at no cost. We will send you a copy of the information within 30 days of your request.

To make a Subject Access Request, please write to our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd, 4 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP.

11. 9 Right to Rectification

You can write to our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd, at 04 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP, if any of the information that we hold is found to be incorrect.

11.10 Right to Be Forgotten (Right to Erasure)

You can ask that we erase all personal information that we hold about you. Where it is appropriate and legal that we comply with your request, it will be fully actioned within 30 days from the date it is received. Any issues arising from our legal and regulatory requirements would be advised to you at the outset.  You can write to our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd, at 04 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP or send an email to our enquiry line at muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk. Alternatively, you may call our office to speak to the Data Protection Officer on 0161 240 3555.

11. 11 Right to Object

You have the right to object to the continued use of your data for any purpose for which consent was previously obtained. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

11.12 Right to Restrict Processing

If you wish us to restrict the use of your data because

(i) you think it is inaccurate but this will take time to validate,

(ii) you believe our data processing is unlawful but you do not want your data erased,

(iii) you want us to retain your data in order to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim, or

(iv) you wish to object to the processing of your data, but we have yet to determine whether this is appropriate,

Please contact TMC Solicitors Ltd, at 04 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP or email to muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk.

11.13 Right to Data Portability

If you would like to move, copy or transfer the electronic personal data that we hold about you to another organization, please contact our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd, 04 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP or send an email to our enquiry line at muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk.

11.14 Right in relation to automated decision making and profiting:

We do not currently use automated decision making and profiting. However, in any event if you would like to object to automated decision making without any individual involvement, and to the profiling of your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd or email muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk

Overseas transfers of Personal Data

In our normal practice your data is retained and stored within the UK and EEA. All your information is received, processed and retained in the UK. However, in the event that we have to transfer your personal data outside the EEA, we ensure a similar degree of protection and safeguards are in place and the individuals processing the information are fully trained and equipped with the GDPR. If you have any concerns, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd, 04 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP or send an email to muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk.

General Terms

At TMC Solicitors Ltd, we ensure that the data and information is processed according to the data protection laws and new GDPR policies. Where any concerns, risks or issues are identified, we conduct relevant impact assessments in order to determine any actions that are necessary to ensure optimum privacy. In the unfortunate event that you wish to make a complaint, you can raise it at first instance to our Data Protection Officer at TMC Solicitors Ltd, 04 Central Buildings Kingsway Manchester M19 1SP or send an email at muazzam@tmcsolicitors.co.uk. Alternatively, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office who may be contacted at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF or https://ico.org.uk.

Changes to our data protection and privacy policy

Any changes that we make to our privacy and data protection policy can be accessed via this webpage, and where appropriate, you will also be notified by email.

Why Immigration Solicitors 4me?

We, The Specialized And UK's Top Immigration Solicitors At TMC Solicitors have a vast knowledge and over 20 years of combined practical experience of delivering over 98% Proven Success Ratio yet for our clients in their Family Visas Applications (Like - family visitor visa, Visiter visa UK etc). We can provide our excellent services at any stage of your Fiance Visa, Proposed Civil Partner Visa, Spouse Visa, Unmarried Partner Visa, Same Sex Partner Visa, Adult Dependent Visa, whether it is Entry Clearance, Switching A Visa ( 5 Years Or 10 Years Route), Renewal Of A Visa or it's ILR -As A Spouse.

We promise our area of expertise not only with successful application but for challenging the Refusal or Reapplying of A Visa Application too with the perfection of our skills and experience delivering the same Success Ratio.

We always offer 100% Confidential And Free Initial Assessment to our clients to assess and determine the circumstances keeping the objectives of our client on priority. That is why we suggest our clients to call us for the Free Initial Assessment for the better understandings of the grounds to get our Client's Objectives in the comfort of saving their time, money and hassle. We are never false to our words and believe in taking full responsibility of helping our client in any simple, complex or stressful Immigration Situation.

We, The Specialized And UK's Top Immigration Solicitors At TMC Solicitors have vast knowledge and over 20 years of combined practical experience of delivering over 95% Proven Success Ratio yet for our client in winning their Immigration Appeals even after the significant reduction in rights against the refusals of immigration application under the implementation of Immigration Act 2014.

We can provide our excellent services for In Country Appeals To the First Tier Tribunal For Family Visas, Appeals For Entry Clearance For Family Visas, Appeals Against Deportation Of Non EEA Nationals, Asylum And Human Rights Appeals. With our huge area of expertise and experience we are Perfectly maintaining the same success ratio for the Appeals To Upper Tribunal, Administrative and Judicial Review Against The Upper Tribunal, Appeals To The Court Of Appeal and Appeals To The Supreme Court with the solid grounds for the Applications Of Permission To Appeal To Upper Tribunal And Supreme Court.

We always offer 100% Confidential And Free Initial Assessment to our clients to assess and determine the circumstances keeping the objectives of our client on priority. That is why we suggest our clients to call us for the Free Initial Assessment for the better understandings of the grounds to get our Client's Objectives in the comfort of saving their time, money and hassle. We are never false to our words and believe in taking full responsibility of helping our client in any simple, complex or stressful Immigration Situation.

We, The Specialized And UK's Top Immigration Solicitors At TMC Solicitors have a vast knowledge and over 20 years of combined practical experience of delivering over 95% Proven Success Ratio yet for our clients in Legal Representation for Asylum Claims, Human Rights Claims, Deportation, Immigration Detention, Removal and Immigration Bails.

We will draft your legal representations for your Asylum Claims, Human Rights or Private Life Claims, One Stop Notices or Section 120 Representations.

We will provide our excellent services In any case of deportation orders against any client of any nationality. Our expert immigration solicitors would provide you legal representations in any case of Immigration Detention, Removal and Immigration Bails.

We always offer 100% Confidential And Free Initial Assessment to our clients to assess and determine the circumstances keeping the objectives of our client on priority. That is why we suggest our clients to call us for the Free Initial Assessment for the better understandings of the grounds to get our Client's Objectives in the comfort of saving their time, money and hassle. We are never false to our words and believe in taking full responsibility of helping our client in any simple, complex or stressful Immigration Situation.

Our leading immigration solutions are with an assurance of taking care of each and every step of the application process. We follow and adhere to all the essential standards in the way and provide concise, promising and efficient advice making sure that the likelihood of your visa or immigration be granted. We have developed panels of individual immigration solicitors with specific expertise to take care of each type of visa category. Just for an example, our corporate and business panel takes care of tier 1 and tier 2 visas and other solicitors handle partner visas and there are specialists who are meant to be handling complex European Immigration law cases. We make sure that your immigration cases and concerns are taken care of by the best top notch immigration solicitors who have the right level of skills and expertise in the area.

Being a highly reputed immigration law firm, our company is backed with the reliable team of knowledgeable and up-to-date experienced immigration solicitors and lawyers handling entry clearance settlement and non settlement cases with zeal and utter efficiency. Feel free to go through our services, information available on the website. When you decide to get in touch with one of the highly experienced immigration solicitors, simply e-mail or call us. The response will be given immediately from our side and we assure to serve you round the clock for none but the best level of responses.

We do have a simple and straightforward process assuring to help our clients and it is been mentioned in below:

  • Once you connect with us via phone web chat or email, we will analyse the case and accordingly will provide you a quote
  • Our immigration solicitors will call you up for consultation that usually last for about an hour. The discussion will let you have the clarity about how we can help you and take a call on this, whether to proceed with availing the services or no.

We are true to our words and believe in taking the full responsibility of helping our clients in any simple, complex or stressful visa or immigration matter. With years of experience and insight of the industry, we cater world class legal immigration services, advice and support in both appeals and applications. We have actually carved recognition in the industry and are highly dedicated of offering the best level of services to all our clientele from all over.

The reasons are many. Our specialists go through each minor detail of your case and will assuredly issue all the engagement letters within 24 hours of time after the consultation. We have a big team of immigration solicitors and experts having vast and deep knowledge of their areas, so feel free to consult or meet any of them and feel the difference. We ensure that according to the demand and need of your issue, you will be provided with the respective time and respect and our experts will provide you the most honest, clear and effective advice as needed. Our stringent quality standards and assurance reflect the dedication and commitment towards work and clarity on the fact that we render none but the world class services at affordable prices.

Our Testimonials